Follow Us!

6 March 2021| Tags: News, Social Media

Stay up to date by following the BADDADZ on social media or the web.

We regularly update our show calendar on our website ( and Facebook. Show dates, times and addresses are all listed. You can even download our show flyer from the event posting on our website. Grab one and post it to spread the word!

If you’re into social media, we are currently updating Facebook and Twitter (#baddadz_pgh). Follow us at either place and get notification when we post new shows, news updates and clever show reminders (at least, we think so!). So what are you waiting for? Give us a like, drop us a tweet and then come out and say “Hi” in person.

Feel Free to Contact Us

If you're interested in booking a show with us, or just want to drop a friendly note, click the button below!

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